Poem – On Hating

I didn’t truly understand the
meaning of hate till I
started hating myself
Biology never was my strong suit…
Something about this body
didn’t tick quite right
But one thing I learnt
was the language of power
Biology showed me the
veins of forgiveness hidden
under sinews of acceptance
under harsh daylight
Stripped down to mere human
Nakedness, I began to discover the
linguistics of love, life and body

Poem – The Art of Dressing

She dresses scars and wounds
With silk dresses and lace underwear
And while you marvel at her petite
waist and toned legs peeping out
under her red dress you fail to see
she’s a mastermind at disguise
She’s perfected the art of dressing
learnt that pieces of lace delicately
cover invisible holes and that
silk smoothes away even the
roughest of patches
She’s modelling brands of sorrow
you’ll never hear of, but know
that sometimes the perfection outside
is extra on-point to hide the insides

Poem – Warning Sign

If I’d know we’d come out
of the womb with labels
I would’ve named myself
“Warning” so you would know
my fires burn even the coldest
of souls

..gives no fucks about your opinions
but “warning” gets hurt too easily
“Warning” will love you as much
as she will hurt you

..is a broken sign post
that’s trying to glue itself
back together

This product
might be